Rock is a Western musical genre that grew up in the 20th century, with different musical styles intermingling to produce a musical hybrid based on electronic guitar, bass and drums, The beginning of rock in the Arab country to the sixties of the last century, where Egyptian composers entered some of them in their work before the phenomenon grew and form the so-called "Eastern Rock" or "Oriental Rock.
Let’s begin with “Jadal” its A Jordanian band founded by Mahmoud Rudeida in 2003 and considered one of the first rock bands in the Middle East, has managed to maintain a huge public base in the region, It began by combining classical Arabic music with Western rock music, and the band produced a number of Arabic songs melted in a Western rock style.
JadaL Arabic Rock band فرقةالروك العربي جدل. (2018). JadaL band Arabic rock جدل روك عربي. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Apr. 2018].
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